Simple vanilla javascript filter

18 Mar 2016

In this post I’ll show you how to implement a simple filter in vanilla javascript, like this one:

Let’s say that we have a very long list of colorful animals like the following:

<ul id="colorful-animals-list">
  <li data-color="blue" >Blue Bird</li>
  <li data-color="blue" >Blue Cat</li>
  <li data-color="red"  >Red Rabbit</li>
  <li data-color="green">Green Chicken</li>
  <li data-color="red"  >Red Dog</li>
  <li data-color="red"  >Red Cow</li>
  <li data-color="green">Green Pig</li>

And we want to be able to filter animals by color (because otherwise it would be really difficult to find the ones we are looking for).

The algorithm:

For hiding the elements, we will change their display property to none.

So we will implement the function Refresh to perform this task.

We have to create a select input with the values we want to filter. Something like this:

<select id="color-select" name="color-select">
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="red">Red</option>
  <option value="green">Green</option>
  <option value="blue">Blue</option>

And add an event listener for that select input, so that it triggers the Refresh function every time it changes.

Here is the complete code:

var elements = document.
    length   = elements.length,
    select   = document.getElementById('color-select');

Refresh = function () {
  var selected_color = select.value;
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    elements[i].style.display =
      (!selected_color ||
       elements[i].dataset.color === selected_color
      ) ? '' : 'none';

select.addEventListener('change', function(event) {

That’s it! Check out the repo.